Monday, December 18, 2006

Login in ASP.NET

ASP.NET includes controls and classes to simplify the process of adding login capabilities to your Web application.

The login controls include:

  • Login 用户登录框
    A user interface that prompts for user names and passwords and (Remember me 记住我) enables users to select whether they want to be automatically authenticated the next time they visit.
    You can use the Login control with ASP.NET membership without writing any code, or you can write your own authentication code by adding a handler for the Authenticate event.
  • LoginStatus 用户登录按钮/链接 & 用户退出按钮/链接
    Displays a login link for users who haven’t been authenticated and a logout link for users who are currently logged in.
  • LoginName 当前用户的username
    Displays the current user’s user name, if logged in.
  • LoginView 登录后才可以看到的内容/链接
    Enables you to display different information to users who are logged in.
    For example, you could use this link to go to site features that are available only to authenticated users.
  • PasswordRecovery 找回密码
    Enables password retrieval for a user by sending an e-mail message to the user or by having the user answer a security question.
  • ChangePassword 修改密码
    Enables a user who is logged in to change his or her password.
  • CreateUserWizard 用户注册
    Gathers information from a new user and creates a new account.
  • You can use a ValidationSummary control to display detailed error information provided by some of these controls.