Using MemberInfo of System.Reflection
@ You need to ascertain wheter a method named OneMethod is accessible to a derived class. What shoud you do?
^ Call the IsFamily property of the MethodInfo Class.
@ The IsFamily property gets a value indicating whether the visibility of this method or constructor is described by MethodAttributes.Family; that is, the method or constructor is visible only within its class and derived classes. (Inherited from MethodBase.)
^ Family Indicates that the method is accessible only to members of this class and its derived classes.
^ The MethodAttribute enumeration also contains:
Abstract Indicates that the class does not provide an implementation of this method.
Assembly Indicates that the method is accessible to any class of this assembly.
Final Indicates that the method cannot be overridden.
Private Indicates that the method is accessible only to the current class.
Virtual Indicates that the method is virtual
Static Indicates that the method is defined on the type; otherwise, it is defined per instance.
e You can read more about MethodAttributes's member here.
e About MethodInfo class