Declarative Language V.S. Imperetive Language
@ The ASP.NET markup language (that is, the ASPX language) is increasingly being recognized as a declarative programming language.
@ Declarative programming is quite a different programming model.
@ When you program with an imperative language, you reach a desired goad by providing the specific operations required to reach the goal. (That is, you tell the computer how to reach your goal.)
@ When you program with a declarative language, you specify your goal and a compiler or interpreter uses its predefined algorithms to determine the appropriate operations to reach that goal. (That is, the computer find a way to reach your goal.)
^ 这就像我曾经说过的,我只在乎是否实现了一个function,而不在乎这个function是怎么被实现的。
e The Right Way to do Ajax is Declaratively
e Declarative V.S. Imperative Programming
e Declarative programming